Training for Hell —


David Fitzgerald takes the plaudits for a fine performance



The Us Marines have hell week, you have just one day but when the weather gods play foul and  all “hell” can break loose…… prepare for the winds of of the west

This is going to be hard, but enjoy the experience

The final Few weeks : what needs to be done ??

6 weeks out you need to commit and balance an approach of going for it — do not hold back
kilkee is all about “hell”

But when we break the course down it becomes a hellishly simple.

The swim- its always long, the sea conditions can make it hard, navigation can be tricky if the swell is causing havock
so what do we need for the swim

  1. strength
  2. good sighting( use the tower clock and the Triathlon ireland arch — but make time the night before and morning of the event to make land markings)
  3. endurance
  4. confidence in the fact the most will go out too hard and struggle on the bike leg

you need to be able to control the level of effort and be able to sustain a good level of speed in the swim that doesnt cost your body for the run and the bike!

you will both notice that the swim sessions are set for endurance and towards strength over the next 2 weeks (shannonMasters sc)

key swim sessions of  12 x 200 — 8 x 300m — 5 x 400m all missed with paddles and target pace training will stand to you over the next few weeks

> have you used your paddles in the open water?

> have you used your fins in the open water ?

>have you done swim to bike workouts ?

cycling training, cycle coaching, time trial, time trial training

The bike course

  1. windy
  2. draggy
  3. hilly
  4. long

what are the factors of a good kilkee? be able to ride in the wind, both against it and with it hitting your side
this requires good force and consistency

If you burn all the matches in the box while on the bike you wont be able to start the fire on the run

The run= key to a good kilkee race results
in the run training over the next few weeks please think hills and strength. down hill running for speed- add hills into your long runs at the weekend but hold to the set zones, let your self go on these sections

why not try this simple fartlek session, 5/5/4/4/3/3/2/2/1/1 on an undulating course

or a simple hills workout

8 x 30 seconds hard with a continuos jog over the top of the hill off 1 min rest

all the best with your tune up for kilkee

Triathlon,Swimming,Cycling & Running coaching

Train smart – Train happy                                           

Kilkee Hell of the West Triathlon

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