There was a smaller than usual turnout last night at the TT Series with many peoples focus on racing at the weekend.

However as conditions on the night were perfect, for the people who showed up the racing was fast and furious, with 3 new people achieving the elite time of below 22.30!!!

On the women’s side Shiela Clavin put in a blistering time of 24.14 to re-take the fastest time of the year in the womens category!

Results from last night can be seen here: Week_8

With a full updated league table: TTResults_2012_Week_8

*VERY IMPORTANT: We had an incident last night outside the house at the finish line which meant we could not use the lay-by there after the TT. It is very important that we respect the houses and residents of the area at all times, before during and after the TT!

See ye next Thursday, meet in carpark at 6.45, first rider off at 7.

Club-Rothaíochta Na-Sionainna TT Results – Week 8

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