Travelling to new places and races sounds exciting and exotic but as a coach with the Irish Team, we go in search of results not sun tans! Thankfully with great support from both Triathlon Ireland and the Parents of the athletes, we go with plans of achieving those results.

First up on the racing scene in Holten was Amy Wolfe who put in a solid performance, under the guidance of her better half Mark Nolan to finish 13th overall and gain solid ITU Points to improve her ETU ranking. A solid bike on a technical course finished off with a solid run shows Amy is back heading towards some good results later in the year.


Next up was the Young Don, Con Doherty!  Heading into a non wetsuit swim 2 years younger than most of the other contenders, Con put in a solid performance to come out of the water mid pack, in a field of 75 athletes. The technical bike course with a challenging hill saw Con attacking off the front with a young Danish athlete, through transition in super quick time and out on to the run course in the top ten. Losing a little ground in the first half, a solid negative split run shows the intelligence of this young racing athlete.


Next up was Emma Sharkey. A hugely improved swim performance by Emma as she came out of the water in 10th place gave her the chance to use her strong cycling background. In 11th place heading into the run Emma suffered a little bit but her fighting spirit and the encouragement from coach father Frank saw Emma finish in 15 place overall and another great performance from her!


Male senior race and the return of The real Keano Brian to ITU racing. Brian got badly beaten up in the swim leaving him with some work to do on the bike, a courageous ride saw him move packs to the second pack and a solid run brought him to 20th place, a super solid result after all the injuries this man has been though over the last year.


The quote of the weekend is what I will leave you with


“Don’t be upset by the result of the training you didn’t do”


Train Smart ; Train Happy





Holten ITU Cup – Coach Report

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