The new block of Monday Night Murder training sessions with STL & ULAC start back Monday the 8th

Monday and Wednesday info


Swim/bike/run /core

Swim sessions: beginners will be with based with Stephan for 50mins

Seniors with Rory/davy/senior athletes

Bikes: senior riders 20km week 1 followed by Run hill reps

beginners/intermediates : 35min turbo’s followed by run hill reps

Run: as above

Cost- 10euro per night

The plan is build over the next few towards Loughrae/castleconnel/Brian Boru sprint distance triathlons along with the racing squad building towards Dublin City


Wednesday Nights is Castle connel — Meet and Train group & Swim lessons

Open water swim lesson program 5euro per swimmer ( limited numbers in the lesson group – 10 per instructor/safety)

meet n train free session 🙂

There will be two groups on the Wednesdays. Its important that we take advantage of the good weather and develop good training habits. A lot of athletes have been asking for more swim lessons. So to accommodate that we have asked STL/Rory/ailbhe to take on groups in the water on Wednesdays while the meet and train groups do distance swims before the bike and run legs of the training sessions

Mark/Liam Kennedy/Derek/senor athletes to lead the chain gang on the bikes

all runs of the bikes will be short here but fast 3 x 500m reps off 2 mins easy jog for example


All are welcome to come and train but please make sure you have a tri irl licence or swim irl licence if not please take one out with


Training update

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