The GoTri training weekend schedule of events and training sessions
Training camp foto
Training camp foto

You are welcome to partake in one or two days or if you would like to only attend the swim sessions then that is also possible.
February 9 and 10th

This camp is being put together to provide the beginner athlete and the intermediate athlete all they need to know about training year round for a successful triathlon lifestyle while aiming to achieve a personal level of success

If you have any questions please contact us at
please check out 
payment options in the shop
Meeting at 9am ul arena saturday
10:00 aerobic run and group leader assignment
  • During this RUN coach STL will assign you to your different coaches for the day and you will get to know your team mates for the triathlon training adventures that are in store. 
11:30 to 1:30 pool drills skills and aerobic workout
  • dry land warm up and stretching. assessment of swim abilities , assignment to lanes, explanation of session and outcomes
  • Day one swim session will be about teaching you new drills specific to your level of swim ability combined with an aerobic endurance swim session.
  • 4 swim coaches – your wacky swim strokes wont survive the onslaught of knowledge.. the application of that knowledge will be down to you and your coach.
  • please remember to bring a small energy snack for the pool and at all times a water bottle
  • distances between 3 km and 5.5 km will be covered in this session
1:30 to 2:30 lunch
  • Lunch is available from the ul sports bar or your invited to bring your own healthy meals
  • we advise no read meats during the camp– but your fuel is your own – and how your fuel effects your body is another journey
3pm to 6pm bike
  • reallocate to kELLYS GoTri Gym 
  • beginners will be doing a turbo to core to turbo workout with transitions 
  • advanced will be on the road- with hill intervals seated/standing power work
This might be turbo based or road based depending on your group and level of ability
this will include : drills n skills
6 : 6:30 break
7pm hoping to add a nutritional talk here until 8pm
  • dietician/ nutritionist info to follow – talk will be on recovery foods proteins and carbs 
– depending on interest we will book a group meal and get together
  • further info to follow 
sunday morning
9am aerobic run and drills
  • the wake up session – our bodies will be a little latargic after a big day so warming up with drills and flexibility will be vital for the activities ahead
10 am transitions bike to run ( we will be using turbos here and will involve interval training sessions)
  • brain training- advanced brain training- learning new skills is hard applying your knowledge under duress will lead to perfect execution come race day 
11:30 to 1:30 swim
  • lunch will be available from the sports bar or bring your own pre-cooked meal
  • transfer to ulac
Running hills sessions
  • please make sure your foot wear is in good working order
informational talk
  • the do’s and dont’s of training
  • lifestyle management 
  • choosing the right race
  • choosing a racing schedule 
group activity- you will be challenged !!
  • surprise
6pm -end of camp
  • thank you 
the camp will be over by 6pm on the sunday, but if any one needs to leave early that is no problem

GoTri Triathlon Coaching & Therapy clinic
Physio & Physical Therapy
Shannon Swimming & Leisure center

Limerick Training camp – Beginners/ intermediate – stars of the future 🙂

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