Well done to all the athletes who took part in the GoTri training camp this weekend. The training was tough but spirits were high on Saturday morning when we set off on an introductory warm up hour run. It was great to see athletes from so many different tri clubs get the chance to discuss their training and plans for the year ahead.

After this we descended on the 50m Olympic sized pool at the University arena. It was a fantastic sight to see nearly 40 swimmers and 6 coaches take over half the pool for a technique focussed set. There were lots of swim tips picked up throughout the day which hopefully the group can use to continue their swim progress into the triathlon season!

The group still all smiles after the swim session

After a quick lunch it was out to Kellys gym for a bike session. Some of the group braved the cold and the rain for hill repeats, while the other half did a tough turbo core set…. By the end of the day there were a few tired bodies. That evening there was a nutrition talk for the group from the GoTri Sports Dietician Gillian Quinlan. Some of the links Gillian gave in her talk are given at the bottom of this page.

Gillian passing important nutritional advice to the group
Gillian giving important nutritional advice to the group

After a long nights sleep, the camp continued bright and early Sunday morning with some transition practise, and after the group headed for a run around UL campus along the Joey Triathlon Run course. A few guesses were made along the way as to what the course would actually be this year…..

On Sunday the swim set was a mixture of endurance and sprint focussed. I think it is fair to say that all the athletes were feeling the effects of a hard weekends training by this stage. After the swim there was a question and answers session with some of the GoTri athletes where the group got a chance to try and find out more about the training and life balanced needed for triathlon.

After lunch, it was only the strongest, bravest athletes who remained as the group was reduced down to 15 hardened souls for a hill session in Cratloe woods. With tired bodies strewn around the woods, it was clear to see the effort that had been given to the weekends sessions by all. It was great to see the dedication and determination of all who were left to complete the final few reps of the weekend!

Only the strongest and bravest survived the full weekend, finishing off with hill reps in Cratloe Woods.
Only the strongest and bravest survived the full weekend, finishing off with hill reps in Cratloe Woods.

This weekend would not have been such a great success without such a great bunch of athletes. The dedication, support, friendliness and attitude of all the athletes towards each other, the training and the coaches made this a weekend to remember. Well done to all for a fantastic weekend and keep an eye out for the Swim/Run focussed camp that will be run prior to the start of the triathlon season.

Nutritional Links recommended during Gillian’s talk:

Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute 

INDI – Food For Fitness

IAAF – Practical Guide to Nutrition

Australian Institute of Sport

More to be added soon……..

Training Camp Review

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