It’s the little things that count… those 1% percent changes that make things happen on race day don’t occur by accident, they occur by listening to your body, or thankfully the advice from the coaches at GoTri 🙂

The race in Kilrush, Up the Creek, a beautiful marina swim and if by today’s weather is anything to go by it is going to be a scorcher so bring the sun cream.

Athletes have lost race due to sunburn, its the dehydration, the fact that your body has to take energy away from your racing performance to start into repairing….. The 1%

First things first, get registration right. Don’t forget your membership card. This way you won’t be flustered and panicking, keep the nervous energy wastage at a minimal, and let the excitement build.

My tips for race day

Do not change your diet on race week…… eat the same things you eat every other day or this will cause stomach upset

Take time to do a run warm up and dynamic stretching routine, but don’t do anything new on race day (unless this is a goal) about 50mins prior to race start

Get a swim warm up, but warm up by stretching in your suit before it wet. In Kilrush you will be getting out a slip way. Try if it’s allowed to warm up and practise getting out of this a few times.

Remember to rehydrate after warm ups

Practise running into and out of transition with your bike; do this at least 3 times. no your place, use landmarks, know the flow of the transition area. Entry and exit points

Remember to put on sun cream; remember to wash your hands after before messing with your goggles

2swim caps in May please folks, keep that head warm

 Do not miss the race briefing; if you learn one thing about the course from this, it is worth listening.

Last but not least know the course….. Know where the mount and dismount line is, I love gymnastics but not at triathlons

 The course in general terms is a great course, a fast swim is a safe environment with a challenging bike course that is a little draggy but not overly hard followed by a quick run that will finish in the heart of the town, what more could you want 🙂

And if you’re as vain as some of the boys and girls of the GoTri crew you will know where the camera guys are located 🙂


Go have fun, you have trained smart so go race happy


Up the creek Tips

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