Ballyhoura Marathon
Four GoTri Adventure racers headed to Ballyhoura last Saturday for the Annual Ballyhoura Marathon weekend. A number of races were available including Ultra (58K), Marathon (42K) and the inaugural running of the Half Marathon.
Peter Power was first off at 06:30 from Kilfinnane Secondary school heading out the road along the Full Marathon route. After completing the marathon they took in 16K more up around another mountain rounding a mast before heading home to finish at the school. PP had been warned of a GoTri Ass Slap if one of his team mates caught him and this seemed to drive him on as he came home in 7th place in a super time of 06:39:19. Having taken part in the Half Marathon it is only then you can appreciate the achievement of PP and the mental and physical strength to complete such a race. Kudos.
The club had 3 representatives in the Half Marathon with a start time of 10:30. Following registration at Kilfinnance school the athletes were bussed to the half way point of the marathon in Ballyhoura to complete the second half of the Marathon Course. Loren Harnett (02:34:51) , Jim Connolly (02:08:58) and Declan Murphy (01:46:54) all ran great races in a very tough course which included a 1K Road run to start followed by trails, hills, fire roads, mountains, hills, traversing live electric fences, streams etc before coming back onto the main road back into Kilfinnane. The great thing about this race was pacing went out the window and the watch was only to tell you how long (distance) you had run or how long you had left depending on whether you were a glass half full/empty type of athlete. The hils and mountain climbs resulted in some breathtaking scenery and exhilarating downhill runs.
This is really running with nature and is something all athletes should try if they want to find their running Mojo. A number of shorter races are taking place over the summer including races locally in Cratloe Woods (May 18th) and 12 O Clock Hills (Kilkishen).

Ballyhoura Marathon